A little bit about me…

Thanks for dropping by! Here’s a bit about who I am and why I love design—where art meets communication.

The “Who”

In the last five years, I've moved the country with the help of my husband Scott and our rescue mutt, Nubbs, before finally settling down in sleepy Seattle. Here, we've fallen in love with the mountains and forests of the Pacific coast. Over several years and across many states, I've dabbled in a bit of everything from nonprofit curriculum development and social media management to portrait photography, but art and writing remain my greatest passions. In my free time, you'll likely find me out in nature, writing fiction, drawing and painting, rollerskating, or curled up with Nubbs and a good book.

The “Why”

I approach UX design from a human-centered perspective. I love watching people's eyes brighten as they share their stories with me, and I find joy in making others feel like their experiences are important enough to share with the world. My ideal working culture? Collaborative! I enjoy meeting new and interesting people, and I believe everyone has a valuable and unique perspective to contribute to any discussion if you're willing to listen. To me, UX design is the intersection of empathy, effective communication, problem-solving, and creativity.